Saturday 24 March 2012

League of Legends: Blitzcrank Guide Inspired By Doublelift

I started playing blitz after being inspired by doublelift, with months of training i now have my own version of blitz, quite similar but different at same time also, compared to Doublelift. Well Blitzcrank is a very underestimated champion, since most people don't know how to play him well. Ever since i started playing Blitzcrank i fell in love with him, He's a well depended carry protector, and a awesome carry himself. I searched for bad ass Blitz players and found doublelift, watched most hes videos and learned tricks and play style from him. I play him top solo mostly, but recently started as support bot solo, i almost build same items but play style completely changes. I recommend you practice him in both lanes till you find whatever you are comfortable with, and train it.


Marks:               Armor Penetration -  9/9

Seals:                  Mana Regeneration per 5 - 2/9
                            Flat Armor - 7/9

Glyphs:               Mana Regeneration per 5 - 2/9
                            Flat Cooldown Reduction - 7/9

Quintessences:   Movement Speed - 3/3

Explanation: Personally i tried so many different runes on Blitzcrank, but in my opinion these are the best runes i dug up for him, Especially for Support bot. Armor Pen runes make him useful for harassing early game, Armor Pen helps him alot with hes "Power Fist" (E) and plays are very important role end game, Mana Regen runes allows him to spam "Power Fist" for harassing or disrupting enemy last hits easily without running our of mana more than usual, also allows more "Rocket Grab" to be initiated. Cool down reduction runes are probably the best fucking runes ever for Blitz, having 15-20sec cd on "Static Field" and "Rocket Grab" and 2.5sec "Power Fist" with "Frozen Heart" item end game, with this much disables you will help team rapidly, Movement Speed runes aren't that recommended, i actually swap it for Armor Pen runes at times, but I am more adjusted to Movement Speed Runes, I recommend you try playing around with runes till you find a set you are well adjusted with.

Top Solo:

Marks:             Armor Penetration - 9/9

Seals:                Flat Armor - 9/9

Glyphs:             Magic Resist per level - 9/9

Quintessences: Flat Armor - 3/3

Explanation: These are probably the most basic runes for Top soloers, I also Recommend it for Blitz, With this runes he will run out of mana faster than usual but helps you survive against champs like, "Riven, Gangplank, Renekton, Garen" and all other op top soloers. Using "Power Fist" for last hitting creeps and disrupting enemy cs will pay off, Your job as top soloer is just to out farm your laner, probably won't be able to kill your enemy laner without ganks. Your job is just to survive and secure your lane as long as possible. These runes probably help you best against strong top champs, Massive armor at early game for defense and armor pen for Interruptions and harassing.

NEVER EVER GET "Ghost" Hes "Overdrive" give you enough speed to replace that spell easily. "Flash" is probably one of the best spells for him, allowing him to pull of impressive plays, and common flash stuff :D

"Exhaust","Heal","Clairvoyance"<-optional are also spells which work well for blitz, but probably only best if you pick one of these as a surport. As a top soloer i strongly recommend "Teleport" and "Flash" which works really well with him, allowing him to gank bot lanes(by porting to ward of course) or ganking bot and porting back to defend top, appearing for dragon fights or going back to defending your lane.


Passive: Mana Barrier
-When Blitzcrank life is brought below 20% health he activates Mana Barrier. Mana Barrier can only occur once per minute. This creates a mana shield with 50% of his mana, lasts 10 seconds and refunds any unspent mana.
<<<Best Passive known to Golems, With items such as "Trinity Force","Frozen Heart" and "Banshee's Veil" hes passive is insanely BULLSHIT, but do not rely on your passive to much, you will regret it, play your game and watch it impress you.>>> 

Q: Rocket Grab
-Blitzcrank fires his right hand, if it encounters an enemy unit it will stun them and deal 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 (+80% of ability power) magic damage while he pulls them to himself.

Cooldown 22 / 21 / 20 / 19 / 18seconds
Cost 140mana
Range 10000

<<<One of the spells which makes Blitz turn games around easily, turning fights into 1v5, a great carry protector spell if you are to far away, and great ganking ability, try not to initiate with it too much, it is too predictable if you are seen by enemy try "Power Fist" then move a certain distance away from enemy/towards team then throw a "Rocket Grab", This spell is more effective when used as a surprise attack keep that in mind and be unpredictable.>>>

W: Overdrive
-Blitzcrank super charges himself to increase Movement Speed by 16 / 20 / 24 / 28 / 32% and attack speed by 30 / 38 / 46 / 54 / 62% for 8 seconds. However, when this effect ends his movement speed is decreased by 25% for 3 seconds.

Cooldown 22seconds
Cost 90mana
Range 1

<<<This spell is not noticed that much. But this spell makes Blitzcranks target pee their pants, with at least 40%cdr it will have 9sec cd, you can almst have it on permanantly, chasing down targets, running around eliminating squishies and protecting your fellow buddies.>>>

E: Power Fist
-Blitzcrank charges up his fist to make his next attack deal double his total attack damage and pop his target up in the air.

Cooldown 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5seconds
Cost 25mana
Range 300

<<<The ability which hurts the most, The CC which is not affected by tenacity, and a great ability for team fights, if you ever watch my videos im normally running within the team battles disabling people with "Power Fist" who hold the biggest threat to my team, u can easily stop champs like "Amumu", "Caitlyn", "Galio", "Katarina" ,"Lux" ,"Nunu" ,"Wukong" ,"Malzahar" ,"Warwick" from hurting your team. I normally "Rocket Grab" the enemy followed by a quick "Power Fist", and let my team do the rest, i then activate "Overdrive" run around and just disable the rest of the enemy team by spamming "Power Fist" and a well timed "Static Field">>>

R: Static Field
-Passive: Lightning arcs off of Blitzcrank to hit a random nearby enemy for 100 / 200 / 300 (+25% of ability power) magic damage every 2.5 seconds.

Active: Deals 250 / 375 / 500 (+100% of ability power) and silences surrounding enemy units for 0.5 seconds. The passive is not in effect during the cooldown.

Cooldown 40seconds
Cost 150mana
Range 600
<<<Early game this spell will win you most fights at top lane, pulling enemy away from their creeps and letting the passive do its shit, spamming "Power Fist" while passive constanly hits target will get you a easy kill if played with properly. During mid game i start ganking other lanes rapidly, with such low CD spells you dont have much to worry about, In a gank i normally follow this rotation "Rocket Grab"->Basic Attack->"Power Fist" and if you predict well try using "Static Field" when you think they are about to "Flash", or you can follow the usual nuking way which is "Rocket Grab"->"Power Fist" then followed by "Static Field"


Top Solo:

Clairvoyance  – 1800 Range, 70 seconds cooldown (60 seconds with masteries), 6 seconds duration (8 with masteries).

Clairvoyance is no longer mandatory on a support champion, but is a very strong alternative.

The goal of Clairvoyance is to instantly provide information from any location on the map. As such, it is important to use Clairvoyance frequently, but still at critical areas. Spamming Clairvoyance at every cooldown can be as useless as never using it and depending on the stage of the game, one would focus Clairvoyances at different areas of the map.

Pre-minions: The very first Clairvoyance should be aimed on the opposing fountain (you want to use this immediately upon connecting), this allows for any obscure items to be visible and shows how fast the enemy team is mobilizing. The second Clairvoyance should be aimed to scout out where the enemy is going.

Pre-15 minutes: The third CV is always aimed at jungling routes, but in order to do this, one must understand jungling routes, speed and pattern. This is something that only playing a few games with competent jungling players or playing a few jungle games of your own will teach. Constant CV on the opposing jungler means it is impossible for him/her to gank without some warning and with good ward placement, it can be nearly impossible to gank. At this stage, knowledge is key and that knowledge starts with where the enemy jungler is. Junglers practically control the inertia of the game as they are the ones that make ganks happen, steal buffs and secure global objectives.

15 minutes and beyond: After countless CVs and many deaths/kills, both teams will likely start to work towards upcoming Dragons/Blue buff/Red buff/Baron. Simply having a CV is not enough and it is important to supplement it with 
Sight Ward  – 75 gold; lasts 180 seconds. Places an invisible green ward that gives sight in 1100 range.

Vision Ward  – 125 gold; lasts 180 seconds. Places an invisible pink ward that gives true sight (sees invisible units) in 1000 range.

Oracle's Elixir  – 400 gold; lasts until death. Places a true sight buff on the consumer that gives true sight in 750 range.

All three of these are consumables and each take up a slot in one's inventory until the consumption.

Vision Ward vs Sight Wards: Sight Wards start off as being worth 100 gold (75 cost + 25 gain) and around every two seconds, the ward's value goes down by one gold to a minimum of 25 gold. In short, any time you know the enemy has a ward in a spot, it is advantageous to destroy it with a Vision Ward provided it gives vision in that spot.

Oracle's Elixir vs Vision Wards: It only takes a few wards to completely recuperate the costs of an Oracle's, making it an excellent investment, provided the carrier is not killed with it. Vision Wards, on the other hand, are safer but don't give any sort of long lasting benefit and don't completely recuperate costs.

“When is a good time to get Oracles?”
Generally, it is advantageous to pick up an Oracles as early as possible so wards can be cleared. But wards aren't as common early on and it is much more dangerous for the carrier due to the lack of vision and the lack of tank items. In short, it is ideal to pick up an Oracle's if your team wishes to dominate map control in order to set up for important

If Blitz is playing DPS/Tank he can usually dive the opposing carries, and space them from the fight. I wouldn't chase too far though, since you have the CC to help your team a lot. If you make the carry back out of the fight come back and help your team. If the enemy has a deadly ult to be aware of ("Nunu", "Kat", "Galio") you should constantly be around them, ready to spring into action. Basically be in the fight, damaging when you can, CCing as much as possible.
Burst every thing if you have to, to protect your fellow teammates, hes low cd allows you to disable people and protect teammates easier, Playing as Blitz keep this in mind you surely wont go wrong anywhere, pull enemy carries for your team to get free kill, or pull them away so your teammates are safe, it's your choice how you wanna play this out, but protecting your team will benefit you in the long run.


Like any skill shot you need to lead the person. It's not the fastest projectile either so when you fire max range it's pretty easy for the opponent to dodge. Similar to fiddle sticks there are lots of walls you can grab through and those tend to be some of the stronger grabs in the game.

This is a highlighted pic of another guide i respect, Hes highlighted some of the ones Blitzcranks usually set up for, but obviously there are more walls you can grab through. Alot of these are specifically aimed at places where people are often standing still (dragon/baron or at towers). These are amazing places to grab people since leaving those areas will either put them in danger or leave an objective incomplete. Just make sure your team is there to capitalize on your pull.

Top Solo:
Starting Items:
boots-of-speedhealth-potion3 (note: If your team is planning a invasion, Personally my favorite) OR
 cloth-armorhealth-potion5 (note: If your versing AD in your lane, not recommended) OR
 sapphire-crystalhealth-potion2 (note: Not the best but really helpful for first time Blitzcranks :D)

Core Items:
sheen which turns to trinity-forcefrozen-heartwriggles-lantern (note: Sheen and Wriggle's are the best items you can grab for top solo)

Early Game Goals:
ninja-tabi/wriggles-lantern the-brutalizer (note: Against Heavy AD) OR
 mercurys-treads/wriggles-lantern the-brutalizer (note: Against Heavy AP)

*Optional Early Game Goal*
philosophers-stone->shurelyas-reverie which i rarely complete
*NOTE!!: These are all Optional, If you're farming well you don't really need these items, 90% of the time i don't get it at all, but heart-of-gold is the best early game item because you will need it for randuins-omen

Middle Game Goals:
For Defense glacial-shroud Rush Gracial if enemy AD hold a threat to your team or rush catalyst-the-protector for Heavy AP, which then turns to banshees-veil I recommend that you get both Gracial and Catalyst and decide what to complete first either banshees-veil against heavy ap or frozen-heart against heavy ad. Overall during mid game aim for glacial-shroudsheencatalyst-the-protector
Late Game Goals: Armor Orientated

ninja-tabitrinity-forcefrozen-heartranduins-omenatmas-impalerwriggles-lantern or sell wriggle's for guardian-angel/infinity-edge

Late Game Goals: MR Orientated

Late game Goals: Against Balanced Teams
ninja-tabi/mercurys-treads depending on how much CC enemy team carries. trinity-forcefrozen-heartbanshees-veilranduins-omenguardian-angel/infinity-edge


NEVER EVER EVER EVER GET manamune most retarded item for Blitzcrank ever. It can be optional but i strongly suggest avoid that item.

Starting Items:

Core Items: 

Early Game Goals: 
mercurys-treadsphilosophers-stoneheart-of-goldsight-ward3 (Try to always carry 3 or more wards with you after every trip back home.)
In most games, at this point I opt for [items/shurelyas-reverie.png], as the movement speed boost plus CDR and HP give the most utility for the amount of gold that it costs.

Late Game Goals: Armor Orientated
Late Game Goals: MR Orientated

ninja-tabi/mercurys-treads depending on how much CC enemy team carries. trinity-forcefrozen-heartbanshees-veilranduins-omenguardian-angel/infinity-edge

Early Game: